Alex Diaz PhD, BCaBA will be speaking at The Convergence of Human and Animal Training and Technology Conference in July 2019. Alex has a unique and fascinating job at Weportal, where he helps the company determine what it’s clients need and then works with software developers to improve their product. His company has developed a practice management solution for behavior analysts and Alex has the perfect combination of tech and clinical behavior skills to put together.

Read more about Alex and watch an interview with CHATTcon cohost, Ryan O’Donnell.

Alex’s Advice to Attendees

Generalize your skills. Take what you know about behavior and apply it to something you’re passionate about. To make a big impact, solve an important problem and then scale it. Scaling is where many people fail. The good news is, you can learn how to scale training, just like anything else.

Alex Talks to RyanO

Listen to this informal chat with Alex and Ryan to hear about how Alex got to where he’s at, what he’s working on and what he’ll be talking about at CHATTcon 2019.

Alex Topic Summary

Digital Training: The Why and How

Training is a fundamental activity for businesses, schools, and organizations in general. Historically, training occurs in physical locations and in large groups of people. But now, things are changing. The advent of the internet has connected billions of people, leading to the emergence of a digital environment for interaction between trainers and trainees. This talk will focus on why trainers need to take the digital space seriously and how to create an environment where trainees can build their skill sets from thousands of miles away.

Alex Bio

Alex is best known for his ability to bridge behavior analysis and software development. He was COO and software developer for the technology company WePortal. Alex holds a PhD in psychology from Florida International University and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

Alex has worked in a variety of settings to train humans, including as an adjunct professor at Florida International University, supervising trainer at summer camps, in-home with parents and staff, and within a company office setting. His next goal is to design ideal digital training environments and to help others design them for their own needs.

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